Monday, July 30, 2007

Beach Bumming It!

This is what happens to your work ethic when you take a vacation to FL! I've been playing in the pool with my kiddos and totally ignoring the box of work sitting in the beach house. I really need to get on it though, as I have a show coming at me quite quickly once I get back home to NY in September. /sigh So much for Fantasy Island. LOL.

In all honesty, I -did- just get a new shipment of beads and such, so I have lots to work with and will post some pics soon of newer items to the inventory.

Until then, Fair Winds and Following Seas!


1 comment:

Sending An Angel said...

Aww baby so sweet!! Have fun and enjoy them while they are young. I have a 2 1/2 year old. I love this picture, all kinds of designs are dancing around my head..Haha Thank you so much for stopping in to see me.