Monday, November 3, 2008

We've Moved!

So shortly after the last post, I decided to go "balls to the wall" and take this blog to the next level. We went PRO.

As in,

Yes, I know. Blogger fans will hate me for this, but I vaulted up to a Wordpress privately hosted platform. Mainly due to the ability of owning my content and running less risk of losing my stuff. Anyway, we're happily blogging away over at the new site, so check us out!


~Danielle Beaty, Editor

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Working World of an "At-Home" Artist...

So this is it. I'm jumping in full force to maintaining a relevant blog to the world of jewelry around me here at home and abroad. Although, truth be told, I may stay fully continental for now until I get a firm grasp of the many balls I'm juggling.

As you might have noticed, I started this blog a while ago and it unfortunately got lost in the rigors of everyday life as a work-from-home artist with two kids, a busy Coast Guard husband, 2 dogs and a load of after school activities. However, things have settled down a bit with the soon to be 2 year old and she's playing more independently, allowing me more freedom to focus on my work again. And this time I'm not getting sidetracked!

The summer was spent in FL on hiatus like it usually is, and I garnered a new appreciation for jewelry yet again. I don't know if it's the bright tropic inspired colors or the copious amounts of sunshine or even the sometimes gentle lapping and sometimes loudly roaring ocean, but I always come home with a renewed sense of unique and soulfully artistic jewelry ideas. In any event, get ready for a new (school) year filled with links to fellow artists, reviews and exciting developments in the world of jewelry tools and as always, a generous helping of photographs and tutorials from my own jewelry bench.

Our website, , which has been in successful operation for over 6 years now, is about to undergo some renovations, so be sure to jump on the email list there and be kept afloat of our developments. We like to stay current and we're sure you do too.

Until next time,

Fair Winds and Following Seas,
